Cloud Recording RESTful API Callback Service

Jocloud-Cloud-Recording supports event notification service. You can configure an HTTP/HTTPS server to receive callbacks. When a recording event occurs, Jocloud-Cloud-Recording server notifies the callback server, and then the callback server sends an HTTP/HTTPS request to your server.

Callback message configuration

The callback function can be used when any of the following conditions is met:

  • Use the parameter callbackurl of startrecord to specify the HTTP/HTTPS server address to receive callback message when starting the recording task.

Callback information

After you finish the callback configuration, Cloud-Recording server sends an HTTP/HTTPS request when a recording event occurs. The content of the callback message is returned as a JSON object in the body of the POST request. Depending on the msgtype, the fields in the JSON object are different.

  • Request method: POST
  • Head:
    • Content-type is application/json
  • Fields in the request body, for example:
  • The fields are common and all recording callback messages include these fields.
    Common fields description:
msgidstringNotification ID, identifying the notification callback when the event occurs.
productintProduct ID
1: Cloud-Recording
Value range: 1
msgtypeintCloud-Recording event type
1: Recording task status change event
2: Recording result event
Value range: 1,2
notifytimeintThe Unix timestamp of the callback request, in milliseconds.
  • The value of content depends on the msgtype event type.

Context information

Context is a JSON object that contains the specific content of the event.

1 recordtask_status

msgtype is 1 means recording task status change event, for example:


context fields:

msgnamestringThe name of the message, which is "recordtask_status"
appidintThe AppID used in your project
roomidstringID of the room to be recorded
uidJSON ArrayUser ID
Note: Mixed stream recording is "0"
recordidstringRecording ID returned after calling startrecord successfully
statusintRecord task status
0: Init status
1: Task starting
2: Task stop
endreasonintRecord task stop reason
1: Actively stop the task.
2: The stream has no data in some time and stop the task.
3: The channel has no stream for some time and stop the task.
Note: This field is valid only when the recording task is stopped.

2 recordtask_m3u8_info

msgtype is 2 means recording result event, for example:


context fields:

msgnamestringThe name of the message, which is "recordtask_m3u8_info"
appidintThe AppID used in your project
roomidstringID of the room to be recorded
uidJSON ArrayUser ID
Note: Mixed stream recording is "0"
recordidstringRecording ID returned after calling startrecord successfully
filetypestringRecording file format, currently only supports "m3u8"
durationunsigned intThe duration of the recording file, in milliseconds
fileaddressstringThe link of recording file
starttimeintTimestamp of the earliest frame in the recording file, in milliseconds
upload_statusintReason when m3u8 address is empty.
0: no ts files.
2: upload timeout error.
>100: HTTP upload error code, such as: access denied, etc. For details, please refer to the status of the specific OSS vendor


  • When recording fails, in the recording result callback event, duration is 0, starttime is 0, and fileaddress is empty. At this time, you can check upload_status or the upstream status of anchor.
  • When you only cares about the recording result callback event, you can filter the callback event according to the msgtype type of 2.
  • If the time points of calling startrecord and stoprecord are close, the callback event of recordtask_m3u8_info may not be triggered.


  • The callback message notification is real-time. The callback server retries immediately after the notification fails, and send the message again, and the notification will be tried up to three times. The callback server considers the notification as a failure in any of the following situations:
  • After sending the message, no response is received in 5 seconds.
  • The HTTP status code received is not 200.
  • The sequence of the callback notifications received and the sequence of events occured may not be exactly the same.
  • To ensure the reliability of the callback notification, callback server may send for more than one time when a recording event occurs, and your server needs to be able to handle duplicate notifications.

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