Error Code


Error CodeDescription
HMRCodeSuccess(0)Operation succeeded
HMRCodeClientExceptions(1000)Universal client-end error. This error code is applied if there is no more appropriate error type to be found in the error code table below.
HMRCodeUninitialized(1001)HHummer not properly initialized
HMRCodeInvalidParameters(1002)Invalid parameters given when requesting Hummer service
HMRCodeIOError(1003)A local IO operation error—for example, abnormal database access
HMRCodeNetworkNotFound(1004)This error is returned when initiation requires network service but the network is beyond reach. You should check the network connection and try again.
HMRCodeOperationTimeout(1005)Network operation timeout. You should check the network connection and try again.
HMRCodeConnectionTimeout(1006)Network connection timeout. This occurs when the network connection is normal but its quality is poor. You should check the network connection and try again.
HMRCodeConnectionFailed(1007)Failure to establish available network connection.
HMRCodeThrottling(1008)Overly frequent calling for server requests. It is recommended that the service end impose frequency control.
HMRCodeUnauthorized(1009)Operation authentication failure, typically indicating current user authentication failure.
HMRCodeThirdPartyError(1010)Error calling a third-party service
HMRCodeBadUser(1011)This error is generated when the service does not process context switching correctly—for example, the service has logged off the user, but does not call Hummer.close.
HMRCodeProtocolError(2000)Abnormal transmission protocol—for example, protocol version error
HMRCodeInvalidContent(2001)Protocol content authentication failure—for example, message content exceeds maximum length.
HMRCodeTokenInvalid(2002)Token used for permission authentication is invalid.
HMRCodeTokenExpired(2003)Token used for permission authentication has expired.
HMRCodeResourceNotFound(2004)No requested resource
HMRCodeResourceAlreadyExist(2005)Requested resource existed—typically occurs in scenarios like room creation.
HMRCodeLimitExceeded(2006)No more resources/relationships
HMRCodeMessageSizeLimitExceeded(2007)No more message size
HMRCodeAccessDenied(3000)Access is denied—often when a communication channel’s protocol uid does not match the uid of the requested service.
HMRCodeBlacklisted(3001)A user is blacklisted, cannot access CIM services.
HMRCodeTemporarilyDenied(3002)Permission currently denied
HMRCodeForbidden(3003)Operation forbidden
HMRCodeUserForbidden(3004)User operation forbidden
HMRCodeBanned(3005)Operation banned
HMRCodeChallengeNeeded(3006)Parameter input needed for validation
HMRCodeInspectionFailed(3007)Moderation failed
HMRCodeInternalServerError(4000)Internal error in the server
HMRCodeServiceUnavailable(4001)IM services are currently unavailable—normally caused by server process restart.
HMRCodeBusinessServerError(4002)Business server abnormalities
HMRCodeServiceThrottling(4003)Overly frequent calling for server requests. It is recommended that the service end impose frequency control.
HMRCodeUndefinedExceptions(-1)Other undefined exception types

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