
Jocloud offers various client SDKs for you to connect to a global real-time network (RTN) for stable, reliable instant messaging services with high concurrency and ultra-low latency, helping you to create service scenarios quickly.

Jocloud’s mobile-specific instant messaging SDK code is Hummer.

  • HMR offers SDK initialization login and configuration functions.
  • ChatRoom Service offers an API for chatroom management.
  • ChatService offers a channel for sending public screen, unicast and broadcast signaling messages.

Basic Functions

HMR.getStateHummerSDK current status
getStateA status for identifying a long connection channel
initInitialize an SDK
openLog in to an SDK
closeLog out of an SDK
refreshTokenRefresh a user token
addStateListenerAdd an SDK state listener
removeStateListenerRemove an SDK state listener
addTokenInvalidListenerAdd a token invalid listener
removeTokenInvalidListenerRemove a token invalid listener
addChannelStateListenerAdd a channel state listener
removeChannelStateListenerRemove a channel state listener
getVersionGet SDK version information
getServiceGet a Hummer service instance
onUpdateHummerStateCallback of SDK status changes
onHummerTokenInvalidCallback of token expiration
onUpdateChannelStateCallback of long connection status changes

Chatroom Management

createChatRoomCreate a chatroom
dismissChatRoomClose a chatroom
fetchBasicInfoGet chatroom information
changeBasicInfoChange chatroom information
addListenerAdd a chatroom listener
removeListenerRemove a chatroom listener
onChatRoomDismissedCallback of chatroom closing
onBasicInfoChangedCallback of chatroom information changes

Chatroom Member Management

joinJoin a chatroom
leaveExit a chatroom
kickRemove chatroom users
addRoleAdd a role
removeRoleRemove a role
fetchMembersGet a chatroom member list
fetchRoleMembersGet a role list
muteMemberMute chatroom members
unmuteMemberUnmute members
fetchMutedUsersGet a mute list
isMutedDetermine member mute status
setUserInfoSet own user information
fetchOnlineUserInfoListGet a chatroom user information list
addMemberListenerAdd a chatroom member listener
removeMemberListenerRemove a chatroom member listener
onMemberJoinedCallback of member joining a chatroom
onMemberLeavedCallback of member exiting a chatroom
onMemberCountChangedCallback of chatroom member count change
onMemberKickedCallback of chatroom member removal
onRoleAddedCallback of chatroom member role addition
onRoleRemovedCallback of chatroom member role removal
onMemberMutedCallback of chatroom member muted
onMemberUnmutedCallback of chatroom member unmuted
onUserInfoSetCallback of chatroom member information setting

Message Channel

sendSend messages (including public screen, unicast and broadcast)
addMessageListenerAdd a message listener
removeMessageListenerRemove a message listener
beforeSendingMessageCallback before sending a message
afterSendingMessageCallback after sending a message
beforeReceivingMessageCallback before receiving a message
afterReceivingMessageCallback after receiving a message

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