

VENUS parameter passing type, read-only, used for the createContext API.

int VENUS_NONE     //AI calculation not enabled; advanced effect, sticker, gesture recognition, and background segmentation unavailable
int VENUS_FACE     //Enable the advanced effect and sticker
int VENUS_GESTURE  //Enable the gesture recognition and gesture emoticon
int VENUS_SEGMENT  //Enable the background segmentation
int VENUS_ALL      //Enable all AI functions.


Object of the OpenGL texture parameter, readable and writable, used for updateFrameParams API.

int mTextureId; //OpenGL texture ID
int mWidth;     //OpenGL texture width
int mHeight;    //OpenGL texture height


Image recognition object, by which images transmitted are used for face and gesture recognition, readable and writable, used for updateFrameParams API.

int deviceType;      //Image type; 0 (default) is for camera image; 1 is for user-supplied images. This parameter may be used when inputting non-camera images.
int facePointDir;    //When deviceType == 1, the variable may freely set the direction of rendering effects. Otherwise, rendering will use the default direction. The default direction is set based on the camera information.
byte[] data; //User inputted recognition data; usually pixel data

float timestamp;     //Time stamp (in seconds) for face recognition calculations. If not set, it uses the default value.
int dir;             //Image direction, usually the gyroscope direction
int orientation;     //Camera direction, usually obtained from its device information; when deviceType = 1, the value remains invalid.

int width;           //Image width
int height;          //Image height
int format;          //Image format

boolean frontCamera; //Whether it is a front camera


Effect parameter object, used to check parameters, read-only, used for getEffectParamDetail API.

int curVal; //Current value
int maxVal; //Maximum value
int minVal; //Minimum value
int defVal; //Default value


Effect type, read-only, used for enableEffect and releaseEffect APIs.

ET_BasicBeauty,      //Basic beautification
ET_BasicBeautyType,  //Basic face shaping
ET_SeniorBeautyType, //Advanced face shaping
ET_FilterHoliday,    //Holiday filter
ET_FilterClear,      //Clear filter
ET_FilterWarm,       //Warm filter
ET_FilterFresh,      //Fresh filter
ET_FilterTender,     //Soft filter


Effect parameter type, read-only, used for the getEffectParam, getEffectParamDetail, and setEffectParam APIs.

EP_BasicBeautyIntensity,                      //Basic beautification 0 - 100
EP_BasicBeautyOpacity,                        //Intensity of basic smoothing 0 - 100
EP_FilterHolidayIntensity,                    //Intensity of holiday filter 0 - 100
EP_FilterClearIntensity,                      //Intensity of clear filter 0 - 100
EP_FilterWarmIntensity,                       //Intensity of warm filter 0 - 100
EP_FilterFreshIntensity,                      //Intensity of fresh filter 0 - 100
EP_FilterTenderIntensity,                     //Intensity of soft filter 0 - 100
EP_BasicTypeIntensity,                        //Intensity of basic face shaping 0 - 100
EP_SeniorTypeThinFaceIntensity,               //Advanced face thinning 0 - 100
EP_SeniorTypeSmallFaceIntensity,              //Advanced face shrinking 0 - 100
EP_SeniorTypeSquashedFaceIntensity,           //Advanced cheekbone thinning 0 - 100
EP_SeniorTypeForeheadLiftingIntensity,        //Advanced forehead height adjustment -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeWideForeheadIntensity,           //Advanced forehead width adjustment -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeBigSmallEyeIntensity,            //Advanced eye enlarging -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeEyesOffsetIntensity,             //Advanced eye distance adjustment -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeEyesRotationIntensity,           //Advanced eye rotation -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeThinNoseIntensity,               //Advanced nose thinning -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeLongNoseIntensity,               //Advanced nose lengthening -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeThinNoseBridgeIntensity,         //Advanced bridge narrowing -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeThinmouthIntensity,              //Advanced mouth shrinking -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeMovemouthIntensity,              //Advanced mouth positioning -50 - 50
EP_SeniorTypeChinLiftingIntensity,            //Advanced chin adjustment -50 - 50


Log level.

LG_Info; //Normal message
LG_Warn; //Warning
LG_Error; //Error
LG_Debug; //Error
LG_Verbose; //All logs


void logCallBackFunc(String msg);             //Callback API for user settings
void logCallBackFunc2(String var1, int var2); //Backward compatible API, unavailable

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