
Realtime Signaling (RTS) is a lightweight and high-reliable message transmission service developed on the low-latency and high-concurrency global real-time message system architecture.

The RTS SDK can be integrated to implement high-concurrency, low-latency, and stable message transmission channels. Interworking with the audio/video interaction SDK, RTS can help developers to create service scenarios, including interactive teaching, voice chat room, video live streaming, and calling.

The code of the RTS SDK specific to Jocloud mobile terminals is Hummer.

  • The Hummer An instance provides the SDK initial login and configuration. Create an RtsClient instance by calling creatRTSInstance.

  • The RtsClient An instance provides capabilities of sending P2P messages and searching user online statuses. Create an RtsRoom instance by calling creatRoom.

  • The RtsRoom An instance provides API capabilities of managing rooms and room members.

RTS js-sdk npm Package Path

npm package release path: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hummer-rts-sdk

Basic APIs

VERSIONGet SDK version information
getStateGet the current status of HummerSDK
createHummerInitialize Hummer
loginLog in an SDK
logoutLog out an SDK
refreshTokenRefresh a user token
Listening EventFunction
ConnectionStateChangedCallback of SDK status change
TokenExpiredCallback of a user token expired

P2P Messages and User Status

createRTSInstanceCreate an instance and initialize
queryUsersOnlineStatusBatch search of user online status for indicating the status of specific users
sendMessageToUserSend P2P signaling messages
Listening EventFunction
MessageFromUserYou will receive a notification callback of this event upon the receipt of P2P signaling messages.

Room Management

getRoomMemberCountBatch search of the number of room members
setRoomAttributesSet room profiles
addOrUpdateRoomAttributesAdd or update profiles of specific rooms
deleteRoomAttributesDelete specific profiles of specific rooms
clearRoomAttributesClear profiles of specific rooms
getRoomAttributesByKeysSearch specific profiles of specific rooms
getRoomAttributesSearch all profiles of specific rooms
sendMessageSend room messages
Listening EventFunction
RoomMessageNotification received by room members when a user sends signaling messages to this room
RoomAttributesSetNotification of setting room profiles
RoomAttributesAddedOrUpdatedNotification of adding or updating room profiles
RoomAttributesDeletedNotification of deleting room profiles
RoomAttributesClearedNotification of clearing room profiles

Room Member Management

creatRoomCreate an instance and initialize
joinJoin a room
leaveExit a room
getMembersSearch a member list of a specific room
setUserAttributesSet profiles of the current user in the current room
addOrUpdateUserAttributesAdd or update user profiles in the current room
deleteUserAttributesDelete specific user profiles in the current room
clearUserAttributesClear all user profiles in the room
getUserAttributtesByKeysSearch specific user profiles in the current room
getUserAttributtesSearch all user profiles in the current room
Listening EventFunction
MemberJoinedNotification of member joining the room
MemberLeftNotification of member exiting the room
RoomMemberOfflineNotification of the current user leaving the room due to disconnection timeout
MemberCountUpdatedNotification of number change of room members
MemberAttributesSetCallback notification of setting room member profiles
MemberAttributesAddedOrUpdatedCallback notification of adding or updating room member profiles
RoomAttributesDeletedCallback notification of deleting room member profiles
MemberAttributesClearedCallback notification of clearing room member profiles

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