Basic HTTP Authentication

RESTful API must pass Basic HTTP authentication. You need to get a token and fill in the token field of the HTTP request header. This section introduces how to generate a token and perform HTTP authentication.

Step 1 Get a Certificate ID and Certificate Key

Fill in the certificate ID (restfulId) and certificate key (restfulSecret) to the code.

Certificate ID and certificate key are gotten in the following way:

Log in to Personal Center, and click the account name at the top right to enter the API Certificate page of the drop-down list and get the certificate ID and certificate key.

Note: The certificate ID and certificate key are used for accessing RESTful API only.

Step 2 Generate a Token

Token is an idSecret encoded by the Base64 algorithm. You should use the certificate ID (restfulId) and the certificate key (restfulSecret) to generate a token. In this sample, the token is base64IDSecret.

Following is a sample code:

  • Java
	// Java
// Fill in the certificate ID and certificate key gotten from Personal Center on the portal website.
String plainIDSecret = "restfulId:restfulSecret";
// base64IDSecret is a token value you want.
String base64IDSecret = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(plainIDSecret.getBytes("UTF-8")));

Step 3 HTTP Authentication

Format of the token field in the HTTP request header: Basic base64IDSecret.

Following is a sample code:

  • Java
	// Java
// Send an HTTP request.
Request request = new Request.Builder()
// Fill in the gotten token field to the HTTP request header.
.addHeader("token", "Basic base64IDSecret")

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